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the  power  of  the intuition

            I think we are beings of amphibian nature, made of flesh, blood & bone, yet permeated & surrounded by mystery. More or less simultaneously, we manifest in both the immediacy of matter & the riddle of the spirit. Mystery cradles us in childhood, elevates our hearts when we love & shelters us when we die. It’s always there  the secret engine of existence, yet always seems to elude us, evading our piercing views & escaping the rigid concepts of our reason. That is how mystery retains its essence, and also why scientists, philosophers & mystics follow its call. And just like them, Artists are raft-builders: they prepare, wait, work & dare to sail the infinite starry waters of the great unknown, willing to pay the ultimate price for the journey. As humans, artists are weak and ridiculous. Many die servicing themselves in the limelight, like flies hitting incandescent bulbs, mistaken for the sun... Still, as carriers of the call and seekers of revelation, artists are sons & daughters of mystery, ultimate gamblers, the laughable martyrs of transcendence.

Their best shots I call Magnifism. 

Mike Altrin

             L’intuition doit demeurer inexplicable, innée, isolée du pragmatisme: elle est le moteur autonome de l’expérience esthétique, c’est elle qui distingue l’art de l’artisanat, du savoir faire et du design. Lecture et création viennent de l’intuition, de cette sincérité animale, loin des techniques dogmatiques. L’art est un aller retour permanent entre l’âme et l’expérience.

Alexandra Mas



Artists, designers, writers, scientists and much more, gathered around a philosophical quest. The base of magnifism is in the innocence of the creational phenomenon. No dogmas, just direct links to pure emotions, the intuition is the autonomous engine of the aesthetical experience.



Paul Klee Victor Hugo Kandinsky Albert Einstein Nelson Mandela

A. Mas

A. Mas

Intuition must remain inexplicable, inborn, isolated from pragmatism: it is aesthetical experience’s autonomous engine.

Mike Altrin

Mike Altrin

Acutely aware of this everpresent ramp; transcendent mystery, the artist bears it for as long as the journey goes, carrying his precious questions on his shoulder, hungry under the stars. If fate allows, he might catch a song in the morning.

smile to life

smile to life

our ambassador Elisabeth Grimaud​ , neuropsycholinguist, passioned by the brain, "happylogist", as I like to name her. Beau Bien Bon (Beautiful Well Good) will (re)teach us how to live. She is talking also about the Magnifism in this book

P. Mounier

P. Mounier

The quest of the perfect line, of noble materials, of quality details, is partaking in the very heart of creation with holders of the expertise, the masters. The will to transform matter with dignity, with clean processes, is an integral part of my design.



Over 7 years ago my life changed completely when the presence of universal Magic was revealed to me.

Eric Pajot

Eric Pajot

May Art awakes the magic part in Men and in the World, this natural capacity dwelling in each of us, forgotten for some but by many denigrated.

Nicolas Hamm

Nicolas Hamm

Jusqu'à bout; s'oublier .... en être vrillé.... au plus intime de chacun.... à chaque étincelle ..... Atteindre ses faiblesses Affirmer ses fractures........ Ne jamais arrêter .... ni feindre ...



What “-isms” are teaching us since years, is before anything-ells, human spirit irreducibility. Confronted to all things, ideas and already existent movements, we often need to position ourselves in a new manner. We sometimes get inspiration from what already is, sometimes establishing a new thinking ex-nihilo. What could be better than an “ism” to make, out of an ordinary word, the embodiment of a new theoretical field?

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