texte from the catalog by Paul Ardenne

Elles - Dans l'oeil de Clouzot
Virtual Reality subjective sequences from Alexandra Mas' vr experience
real length 3 min on Clouzot immersion + infinite loop with women of today talking about him (min time suggested for this second part, 5min)
Curator: Paul Ardenne for Ciné Patrimoine Concept
With: Muriele Mayette-Holtz, Aurelia Khazan, Stephanie Michelini, Vincent Mc Doom, Sacha Tarantovich, Anilore Banon, Lyne Vermes, Elisabeth Grimaud, Ghislaine Gracieux, Christelle Santabarbara, Justine Gasquet, Janine Piguet, Olympe Racana, Arsende Vasselot, Annick Gouba, Cerasela Vlad, Anne Lise Schaich and off voice, Mathilde Lebas With images from Henri Georges Clouzot cinematography: Romy Schneider, Brigitte Bardot, Simone Signoret, Marie-José Nat, Vera Clouzot, Elisabeth Wiener, Catherine Allégret, Dany Carrel, Danièle Delorme , Mireille Perrey, Cécile Aubry, Héléna Manson, Suzy Delaire, Simone Renant, Ginette Leclerc
camera: Marco Tassini
coding: Jorge Reinoso